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What is seo? «Search Engine Optimization»



What is search engine optimization

At Plancod, we understand SEO. Our team of in-house SEO experts implement the best strategies to optimize your website.
Search Engine Optimization is key to attracting more potential tenants to your website, so What is seo?

Your digital marketing strategy needs SEO, That’s why we dedicate ourselves to providing you with the best SEO services.

Results begin with Search Engine Optimization.

but you need to know more details about what is seo and what is backlinks in seo example:

What is seo

Simply is the process of improving the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through free organic search results.

Our SEO experts stay up-to-date on the latest Google algorithm changes and perform testing to ensure the best results.

and It includes several definitions, such as:

Backlinks in seo

Actually Backlinks are one of the most important SEO ranking factors you need to be paying attention
to if you want to grow your website’s traffic from Google, backlinks are one of the two most important signals used to rank websites.

Meta Tag

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content; the meta tags don’t appear on the page itself,
but only in the page’s source code.
Meta tags are essentially little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about.
This is in short what is meta tag in seo means.

Serp seo

Let us explain what is a serp seo, SERP SEO is a multi-faceted SEO strategy that focuses on occupying as
much real estate within each target Google SERP as possible.
It’s also about taking each search query as a whole, instead of optimizing for and monitoring a single position.

what is seo agency

An SEO agency employs experts in different areas of search engine optimization.

In addition Working with an SEO agency can help your business to achieve these things:

auditing your site – developing a tailored SEO strategy- implementing the tactics that
will help your business reach its goals- Better visibility – Better traffic – More leads – More conversions – Better ROI

But what exactly do they do to make those things happen?

In short, these things:

Communicate with you – Audit your site – Outline objectives – Carry out keyword research –
Analyse any penalties affecting your site =- Analyse your current link profile – Optimise existing content

Use LSI Keywords to Boost SEO Traffic

Google returns related keywords based on the main keywords used in a search query,
now we need to know what is lsi keyword in seo?

LSI keywords are usually the highlighted words and phrases in
he search result descriptions and are considered the most relevant to the original keywords.

The use of LSI keywords can bring old dusty content out of the basement and back out into the light again
as well as improve the ranking and search results of new content.

These keywords can be used to improve SEO traffic and create more visibility and higher rankings in search results.

Finally, You need to know what is seo and its definitions to attract more potential tenants to your website,
That’s why we dedicate ourselves to providing you with the best SEO services.

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