Top 10 free Digital Marketing courses

Top 10 free Digital Marketing courses

As the world is still going in a continuous development circle to a new era full of technology and the digital world, learning the bases of the new sciences is an important step right now, especially the sciences that are more related to working with technologies, and because of that, we brought to you a way to learn digital marketing with these top 10 free digital marketing courses

A free digital marketing course and top 10 free digital marketing courses

In this list, we will make you learn digital marketing with the top 10 free digital marketing courses to know how to study digital marketing. You will have the chance to know a lot about digital marketing course, some of them are free digital marketing course and the others are paid, but what we are sure of, is that all these courses will help you to know how to study digital marketing.

1. Google digital marketing course ( free )

What we love about Google is that it always offers good opportunities for everyone, in the seek of creating a new generation that is aware and has a good knowledge of the digital world. Google offers many helpful courses in the field of digital marketing, one of these courses is the google digital marketing course.

What really distinguishes google digital marketing course from others, that it’s very easy to cope with, and explains all the basics clearly in any language you want, with short timing videos, continuous tests, and a free certificate from google, you will be able to put your baby steps in the digital marketing world. And that is why we recommend the google digital marketing course to be on the list of the top 10 free digital marketing courses.

2. Free digital marketing course from Udemy

Udemy is one of the largest courses and online learning platforms in the digital world, and because digital marketing is a must learning science. Udemy offers many digital marketing courses on its website and encourages people in a good way to keep learning. Udemy platform has a unique style of attracting learners, with good interacting videos, and certificates or completing the courses, and you can also ask your instructor anytime about anything related to the course material, and you will get a rapid answer directly from them, is there more to ask about? The free digital marketing course from Udemy has been rated by over 171.000 students over the world and got over than 4.6 stars rating.

3. Coursera digital marketing specialization course is one of the top 10 free digital marketing courses

Coursera is considered to be one of the most trusted and popular online learning platforms in the whole world. What makes Coursera, a good platform for learning is that many international universities from different countries put their online material for everyone in the world, to spread benefits and make people learn new things from any place in the world. Coursera has many different courses talking about digital marketing, it has specific digital marketing topics courses like digital marketing strategy and planning, digital marketing E-commerce, google ADs for beginners, and many more variable courses, but if you’re a beginner in the world of digital marketing, we recommend you to study digital marketing specialization course, because it’s more focused on the bases and tips to study digital marketing from the begging.

4. Hubspot free digital marketing course

HubSpot is one of the greatest websites on the internet that talks about digital marketing and publishes content to help others in the digital marketing field. Hubspot also offers courses for digital marketing, some of these courses talk about digital marketing in a superficial way, and others take it more deeply to detail, what you have to know is that Hubspot doesn’t only offer readable material, but also material to follow when you start working by your hands.

5. Wordsream courses

Wordstream is one of the websites that helps marketers and digital workers to achieve their objectives and learn more about what they can do in the digital marketing world. Wordsream offers many articles and catalogs for beginners and professionals in the digital marketing field. You can take a look at wordstream, and learn how to be a good marketer.

6. Udacity digital marketing course

Udacity is considered to be one of the best online learning platforms on the internet – if it’s not really the best one -. Udacity is an open world for anything you want to learn, it doesn’t just offer course material from one side, but always searches for the best and suitable content materials, from many other websites, to deliver it all to you in one place. Udacity offers many digital marketing courses for you on its platform, we highly recommend the udacity digital marketing course which is for free, it is also called the udacity digital marketing nanodegree course. This udacity digital marketing nanodegree course is actually enough to make you understand the digital marketing world more clearly and in an accurate way.

7. Edx is one of the top 10 free digital marketing courses platforms

Edx is an Australian platform that serves all your needs and desires to learn anything, from any university around the world, online from home. Edx is certified by many universities that it’s a trusted place to learn online from. Edx offers many digital marketing courses specialized in many topics, good and well-certified instructors from international universities offer the course material exclusively to you, and what’s more surprising? A certificate from edx itself, which is trusted in many world’s universities and companies.

8. Alison platform for courses and more

Alison is also a website that cares about online studying and offers courses with good content material for it. Alison offers many digital marketing courses in many specific digital marketing fields, and it’s all for free!

9. Yoast SEO tool

If you think that Yoast is only a fixed seo tool that you use while you publish your content, then you’re absolutely wrong, because yoast always has your back. Yoast offers many articles and courses to get more into digital marketing needs and steps, you may not find them under the name of digital marketing, but they are related 100% to essential digital marketing tools.

10. Ministry of communication and information technology free digital marketing course in Egypt ( EGFWD )

A good online and free course to end our top 10 free digital marketing courses list with, is the Ministry of communication and information technology free digital marketing course in Egypt ( EGFWD ). This course collects its data from many sources, like Hubspot, Facebook, and google. also, Udacity is the one who is providing this course for Egyptians, and with a free certificate! Yes, that’s true, but if you’re willing to start this course with FWD, then you better get your hands there quickly, because the online seats are limited for the new branch.

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